True Potential compensation claims

Claim Compensation Against True Potential

True Potential Wealth Management (TPWM) has been involved in several compensation claims due to allegations of providing unsuitable financial advice, which has led to financial losses for clients.

The issue began when Mr. G, already holding two personal pensions based on advice from an adviser named X in 2018, met with X again in 2021 after X joined True Potential. During these meetings at Mr. G’s home, he was advised to transfer his pensions to True Potential, contrary to the company’s claim of a non-advised transfer.

Gary Lane, the ombudsman, indicated that the nature of the meetings and the previous professional relationship between Mr. G and X suggested that advice was given. This advice led to Mr. G switching to a more expensive pension product with a less suitable investment portfolio.

True Potential had informed Mr. G that his pension switch was non-advised, occurring after a direct marketing offer. However, text messages revealed ongoing communication between Mr. G and X during this period, supporting the view that advice was indeed given.

Consequently, the ombudsman concluded that the advice from True Potential, through X, was not fair or reasonable, resulting in a disadvantageous financial decision for Mr. G. True Potential was directed to compensate Mr. G, comparing the performance of his current investments with his original arrangement and paying an additional £300 for distress and inconvenience. Mr. G had until December 18 to accept this decision.

Navigating the complexities of financial compensation can be daunting, especially when you’re eyeing the attractive offers from firms like True Potential. You’ve likely heard about their promises of significant returns, with the potential to earn twice from the same clients – initially when transferring funds and again upon retirement.

But what happens when these offers tread the fine line of compliance? As an adviser, you’re entitled to know if you’re getting a fair deal and whether these incentives align with the strict commission rules. Understanding your rights and the legitimacy of such compensation claims is crucial in making informed decisions for both you and your clients.

Understanding True Potential Compensation Claims

When you’ve experienced financial loss due to mis-sold financial products, understanding your options for compensation is crucial. True Potential compensation claims encompass a range of issues where advisers may have not fully adhered to compliance rules or acted in your best interest.

Imagine you’re transferred to a new investment platform, only to find the decision was influenced more by the benefits to the adviser than it was by your financial needs. This scenario underlines the controversies in True Potential’s approach, where advisers may receive financial incentives tied to the volume of assets they move into specific products. Adviser Incentives potentially clash with the commitment to serve your best interests, leading to mis-selling.

In a case where an adviser accepts a fund transfer offer, they’re often looking forward to a double payout: once at the point of transfer and again upon retirement. This practice raises red flags as it suggests a possible misalignment with the rules regarding commissions. Financial Incentives should not cloud the judgement of financial advisers.

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Adviser Incentives and Compliance Issues:
True Potential has faced scrutiny over the incentives provided to advisers for transferring client assets to their platform. These incentives, which include significant payouts upon transfer and retirement, have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and compliance with commission rules. Such practices may lead to mis-selling, where advisers prioritize their financial gain over the clients’ best interests.

  1. True Potential has faced scrutiny over the incentives provided to advisers for transferring client assets to their platform. These incentives, which include significant payouts upon transfer and retirement, have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and compliance with commission rules. Such practices may lead to mis-selling, where advisers prioritize their financial gain over the clients’ best interests.

Financial Impact and Business Practices

  1. High Payouts to Advisers:
    • Since 2022, True Potential has paid out substantial amounts to advisers for transferring client assets to their platform. These payouts are part of the firm’s strategy to onboard clients quickly, but they also contribute to the high costs associated with client acquisition.
  2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
    • True Potential maintains that its offers and business practices are compliant with financial regulations. However, the firm has been repeatedly challenged by the FOS and other regulatory bodies, which have found instances of non-compliance and unsuitable advice

Taking a real-life example, let’s say you were advised to move your portfolio to True Potential. Later, you discover the adviser was poised to receive a considerably larger payout had they not negotiated on your behalf for a better financial proposition outside the True Potential suite. Asset Transfers initiated under these circumstances could form the basis of your compensation claim.

Should you experience any such issue, it’s paramount to asses the legitimacy of your claim. Claims management firms stand ready to assist in recovering funds lost through mis-sold products:

  • Evaluate the advice given against standard compliance requirements
  • Determine if the financial incentives may have influenced your adviser’s recommendations
  • Consider whether your investments align with your risk profile and investment goals

True Potential insists on the compliance of their offers, yet the importance lies in whether these offers affect the advice given. Your entitlement to claim depends on these critical details. Claims management experts can help navigate through the intricate web of financial compensation. Their expertise aids in dissecting adviser dealings, making sure your rights are upheld.

Remember, the presence of mis-selling is what entitles you to claim compensation. The crux of any potential claim is the evidence that your adviser prioritised their financial gain over your financial health. Claims grounded in such realities bear a stronger chance of successful outcomes.

The Promise of Significant Returns

True Potential’s offers of lucrative financial rewards have been a focal point for advisers considering the transition towards retirement. Specifically, the firm has made waves in the industry with an 8% promise of assets under management for those transferring clients to its internal proposition. Understandably, such offers may catch your eye as you seek a secure and prosperous exit from the advising world.

Initially, True Potential’s deal provided an enticing 8% upfront payment. Recent changes have adjusted this to 4% upfront, complementing it with the remaining 4% spread over the following year. This staged payment structure could significantly bolster your financial standing post-retirement, ensuring a steady stream of income when you’re no longer actively working.

Amidst various acquisition offers, True Potential’s stands out not only for its immediate financial benefits but also for the intricacies of its payout system. A case in point is when potential payouts are seemingly contingent upon transferring your clients onto the True Potential platform and funds—a stipulation that might prompt a closer look at the alignment between the incentive and the client’s best interest.

Payment StructurePercentagePayment Timing
Initial Upfront Payment4%At Time of Transfer
Subsequent Payments4%Over 12 Months

Remember, competing offers have led some advisers to favour other firms, such as St. James’s Place, over True Potential. When analyzing True Potential’s documentation, an understanding emerges that a minimum asset level is assumed, offering an initial 2% of transferred funds followed by an additional 2.75% of funds under management upon retirement.

It’s crucial to note that these promises hinge on your compliance with transferring all client funds to True Potential. Such requirements underline the need for careful consideration of whether the returns justify the changes you and your clients must undergo. Always weigh the financial incentives against potential impacts on the investment advice you provide, maintaining a focus on the best interests of your clients above all else.

When engaging with claims management firms, it’s crucial to comprehend the regulatory framework that underpins your compensation pursuit. Firms, including True Potential, function within a complex legal and regulatory environment.

Understanding Regulation Compliance is key in making sure a firm is legally equipped to support your claim. Regulations are in place to safeguard you from misrepresentation and mismanagement of your financial products. These include the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) rules, which govern the conduct of financial services firms in the UK and ensure they act in the best interests of consumers.

In a real-life scenario, you might come across cases where financial advisers have breached regulatory requirements. For example, if an adviser failed to disclose the full Risk Assessment Records or did not provide adequate Ear Protection Data in compliance with Regulation 8, this could be grounds for a compensation claim.

Adherence to Commission Rules is equally important. Advisers should not be swayed by potential earnings when suggesting financial products to you. If an adviser is found to be prioritising their own financial gain, you’re likely entitled to compensation. This is supported by records needed to comply with various regulations:

RegulationRequired Compliance Document
Regulation 4 and 5Risk Assessment Records
Regulation 6Operation Limits and Examination Records
Regulation 7 to 9Written Scheme of Examination & Health Surveillance
Regulation 10Instruction and Training Records
Regulation 34 and 35Pre- and Post-Accident Head Protection Assessments

These documents can serve as evidence if your adviser’s actions were misaligned with regulatory standards.

Lastly, it’s worth noting the court’s stance on protocol breaches. The court examines the substance of compliance when determining sanctions for non-adherence to the protocols. They delve into whether the lack of compliance has adversely affected either party, indicating the serious implications of neglecting these stipulations.

Through this intricate web of compliance and regulations, it’s evident that asserting a True Potential Compensation Claim requires detailed knowledge of the rules and meticulous documentation. By aligning yourself with a competent claims management firm, you’ll be better positioned to navigate these often terse waters.

Protecting Your Rights as an Adviser

When delving into the realm of financial compensation, particularly as an adviser, you’re likely aware that the landscape is littered with both opportunities and pitfalls. At the heart of safeguarding your rights lies a robust understanding of the contractual environment and the regulatory framework.

Imagine you’re part of a network like True Potential Wealth Management and considering retirement. Your rights and the compensation you’re entitled to are clearly delineated by specific conditions: you must pass the firm’s fit-and-proper tests, join as a member, and only then does the entitlement to an 8 per cent deal solidify.

In this situation, protecting your rights is synonymous with compliance:

  • You receive compensation only for clients who actively choose to move to the platform.
  • Payment commences after you’ve officially joined True Potential to preclude any notions of inducement.

The process champions clarity and client autonomy. Advisors must present a comprehensive proposal, which includes any changes to pricing, products, or funds. True Potential ensures that clients are cognizant of their move from a local adviser-led model to a centralized one.

By documenting every step and securing clients’ informed consent through digital signatures, you not only stand on solid ground with respect to compensation claims but also reinforce your adherence to prevailing regulations.

Let’s take a closer look at a real-life example: An adviser within the network intends to retire and initiates the transfer of their clientele. This adviser ensures that:

  • Each client receives a thorough proposal detailing the transition.
  • The adviser abstains from any form of coercion, respecting the client’s right to make an informed choice.

Consequently, clients move across willingly after being fully informed of the new service proposition, and the adviser receives the promised compensation without any contractual disputes. This precedent not only highlights the importance of transparency but also exemplifies how adhering to protocol protects both client and adviser rights.

The Legitimacy of True Potential Compensation Claims

When you’re exploring financial compensation claims, it’s crucial to assess the legitimacy of the offers you encounter. With firms like True Potential, you’re often presented with promises of substantial returns, which can be enticing. However, the validity of these claims rests upon strict adherence to financial regulations and compliance standards.

If you’ve been approached with an offer from True Potential or similar firms, it’s important to understand that documentation is key. For instance, True Potential’s proposition may include an initial 2 per cent fee of funds transferred and 2.75 per cent of funds under management upon retirement. But, compliance with commission rules is non-negotiable.

  • Initial fee: 2%
  • Retirement fund management fee: 2.75%

Consider the case of an adviser who reported that True Potential’s offer was contingent on transferring all client assets onto their platform. This scenario raises a red flag as the rewards based on assets transitioned could potentially cross the line of commission-based incentivisation.

In another instance illuminated by a compliance expert, the receipt of additional benefits by an adviser from a third party like True Potential could indicate a potential breach of commission rules. These rules broadly prohibit any financial incentive that may influence the recommendation of one product over another.

Transparency and informed consent are imperative when engaging in any compensation claim process. As a victim of mis-selling, you must scrutinize the terms offered by firms to ensure they align with both your interests and regulatory standards.

True Potential maintains that its offers are compliant and advantageous for both advisers and clients. However, it is your right to investigate and confirm that any claim for compensation is founded upon legitimate practices, free from the encumbrance of conflicts of interest or regulatory breaches.

Understanding the intricate nature of True Potential compensation claims may be daunting. Remember, you’re entitled to make informed decisions about your financial dealings, and this means being assured that any promises made to you stand up to regulatory scrutiny and serve your best interests.


Navigating True Potential compensation claims requires a delicate balance between ambition and adherence to the rules. You’ve seen the importance of acting in your clients’ best interests and the potential pitfalls of prioritising personal gain. Remember, solid documentation and a thorough understanding of the regulatory landscape are your best allies in this journey. It’s essential to scrutinise every claim and ensure it stands on the bedrock of compliance and ethical practice. Stay informed, stay compliant, and your path to securing rightful compensation should be clear and straightforward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum claim allowable from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) offers protection up to £85,000 per person, per financial institution. This limit applies to the combined total of all accounts held with the bank or banking group, including both personal and business accounts for sole traders.

Can I take money out of True Potential?

Yes, you can withdraw money from a Stocks & Shares ISA or a General Investment Account with True Potential. It usually takes around 10 working days to sell the investments and transfer the funds to your bank account.

What is the True Potential ‘8% offer’?

The True Potential ‘8% offer’ involves transferring a client into True Potential’s hybrid advice service, where they receive support from a team of telephone advisers. After the transfer, the original Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) no longer manages the client’s account.

Is True Potential any good?

True Potential offers a user-friendly platform with features like ‘Impulse Save’ for easy top-ups. Their investment portfolios include various well-known investment funds, and with costs around 1.2%, it is considered in the higher range of mid-tier pricing.

What is the initial advice fee for True Potential?

Using a True Potential Wealth Management Partner may incur an initial advice fee of up to 4% of the value of the investment being arranged.

Check if you qualify

Discover if you’re eligible for compensation using our efficient claims finder. This quick process, taking less than two minutes, will provide you with a clear indication of whether you’re entitled to any financial reimbursement.

Want to discuss a potential claim?

Book a call with one of the team for no-strings-attached chat.

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