FSCS Claims

How to Secure Your Pension and Investments

Discover how the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) safeguards UK consumers with enhanced protections for deposits and investments. Ensure your financial transactions are safe by verifying firm authorisation and understand the straightforward claim process.

Worried about your retirement savings? You’re not alone. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) could be your lifeline to recover lost funds. It’s a UK government-backed safety net designed to protect consumers when financial firms fail.

If you’ve suffered financial loss due to a firm’s collapse, the FSCS might be able to help. Whether it’s investments, pensions, or insurance products, you could be eligible for compensation. Don’t let the complexity of financial jargon deter you. Understanding your rights and the claims process is simpler than you might think, and it could make a significant difference to your financial future.

What Is the Financial Services Compensation Scheme?

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) is a UK statutory compensation scheme for customers of authorised financial services firms. It’s a crucial safety net, providing compensation to customers when firms are unable to pay claims due to financial difficulties.

Key Facts About FSCS

  • Established in 2001, replacing multiple former schemes
  • Operates in the UK, excluding Channel Islands and Isle of Man (with exceptions for insurance claims)
  • Funded by levies on firms authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial Conduct Authority
  • Annual budget for 2023/24: £99.8 million
  • Compensation limits:
  • Investments: Up to £85,000 per person per firm
  • Pensions: Up to £85,000 per person per firm

How FSCS Protects Customers

The FSCS protects customers by:

  • Acting as a fund of last resort
  • Compensating eligible claims when authorised firms fail
  • Covering various financial products, including investments and pensions
  • Providing a straightforward claims process
  • Offering protection up to specified limits
  • Ensuring customer confidence in the UK financial system

You’re protected automatically by the FSCS if you’ve used a UK-regulated financial firm. There’s no need to register or pay for this protection. If a firm fails, the FSCS steps in to assess claims and provide compensation where eligible, helping to safeguard your financial future.

Types of Claims Covered by FSCS

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protects customers of UK-authorised financial firms across various sectors. It covers three main categories of claims: bank, building society and credit union deposits; insurance policies; and investments.

Bank, Building Society and Credit Union Claims

FSCS protection for bank, building society and credit union deposits is comprehensive and straightforward:

  • Protection limit: Up to £85,000 per depositor, per institution
  • Joint accounts: Covered up to £170,000
  • Compensation process: Automatic payout, typically within seven days of institution failure

This protection applies to your savings accounts, current accounts, and cash ISAs. It’s crucial to spread large sums across multiple institutions to maximise your coverage.

Insurance Claims

FSCS insurance protection covers both compulsory and non-compulsory policies:

  • Protection limit: 90% of the claim value, with no upper limit
  • Compulsory insurance: 100% of the claim (e.g., motor insurance)
  • Compensation approach: FSCS attempts to arrange seamless cover with another insurer
  • Premium refund: If cover can’t be arranged, FSCS returns any remaining premium

This protection ensures you’re not left exposed if your insurer fails, covering policies such as life insurance, home insurance, and pension plans.

Investment Claims

FSCS investment protection safeguards your assets if an authorised investment firm fails:

  • Protection limit: Up to £85,000 per person, per firm
  • Covered investments: Stocks and shares, unit trusts, futures and options, personal pension plans
  • Compensation basis: Loss due to bad investment advice, poor investment management, or misrepresentation

It’s important to note that FSCS doesn’t cover poor investment performance. The scheme protects you against losses resulting from the firm’s failure or misconduct, not market fluctuations.

FSCS Compensation Limits

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) provides crucial protection for your finances. It’s essential to understand the specific compensation limits for different financial products.

Deposit Protection Limits

The FSCS protects your deposits up to £85,000 per eligible person, per bank, building society, or credit union. For joint accounts, this limit doubles to £170,000. This coverage ensures that even if your financial institution fails, you’ll recover a significant portion of your savings.

Temporary high balances receive additional protection. The FSCS safeguards up to £1 million for qualifying temporary high balances for six months. This provision covers situations such as property sales, inheritances, or insurance payouts.

Insurance and Investment Protection Limits

For insurance claims, the FSCS covers 90% of the total claim value if the firm failed after 1 January 2010. There’s no upper limit on this protection, providing substantial coverage for your insurance policies.

Investment protection limits stand at £85,000 per eligible person, per firm, for failures occurring after 1 April 2019. This coverage applies to various investment products, including stocks, shares, and pension funds.

Changes in Compensation Limits Over Time

The FSCS compensation limits have evolved to reflect economic changes and enhance consumer protection. Before 1 January 2010, insurance claims were covered differently: 100% of the first £2,000 and 90% of the remainder.

For investments, the protection limit increased from £50,000 to £85,000 on 1 April 2019. This change aligned investment protection with deposit protection limits, offering more comprehensive coverage for your financial assets.

Understanding these limits and their changes helps you make informed decisions about your financial arrangements. It’s advisable to spread your savings and investments across multiple institutions to maximise your protection under the FSCS scheme.

Making a Claim Through FSCS

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protects customers of UK-authorised financial firms. It compensates eligible claimants when firms can’t meet claims due to financial difficulties. Here’s what you need to know about making a claim through FSCS:

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for FSCS compensation:

  • Your claim must involve a UK-authorised firm that’s failed or can’t pay claims
  • You’re typically eligible if you’re an individual, small business, or charity
  • The financial product must be covered by FSCS (e.g. investments, pensions, insurance)
  • Your claim must fall within FSCS compensation limits
  • You must have suffered a financial loss due to the firm’s failure

The FSCS covers various financial products, including:

  • Deposits
  • Investments
  • Pensions
  • Insurance policies
  • Mortgages
  • Payment protection insurance

Compensation amounts vary based on the product type and circumstances of your claim.

Claims Process

The FSCS claims process involves:

  1. Instant Eligibility Check: Use the online tool to check if you’re eligible for compensation
  2. Online Claims Service: Submit your claim through the FSCS website
  3. Document Submission: Provide necessary supporting documents
  4. Claim Assessment: FSCS reviews your claim and requests additional information if needed
  5. Decision: You’ll receive a decision on your claim’s outcome
  6. Compensation Payment: If approved, FSCS arranges payment of your compensation

For complex claims, such as pension mis-selling, you may need to provide additional documentation or expert assessments.

Timeframes for Compensation

Compensation timeframes vary depending on the claim type:

Claim Type Typical Timeframe
Deposits 7 days
Insurance 28 days
Investments 6 months
Pensions 6 months

These timeframes start from when FSCS declares a firm in default or receives a completed claim form. Complex cases, like pension mis-selling claims, may take longer due to the need for detailed assessments.

FSCS aims to process claims as quickly as possible, but thorough investigation is crucial to ensure fair outcomes. If your claim relates to pension mis-selling, be prepared for a potentially longer process due to the complexity of these cases.

Legal Aspects of FSCS Claims

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) operates within a robust legal framework to protect consumers. Understanding the legal aspects of FSCS claims is crucial for ensuring you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

COMP Rules

The FSCS follows specific COMP (Compensation) Rules set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). These rules outline:

  • Eligibility criteria: You’re eligible if you’re an individual, small business, or charity dealing with a UK-authorised firm that’s failed.
  • Compensation limits: Limits vary by product type. For pensions and investments, it’s up to £85,000 per person per firm. Bank deposits are protected up to £85,000 per person per institution.
  • Claim timeframes: The FSCS aims to pay compensation within 7 days for deposits and up to 6 months for more complex claims like pension mis-selling.

Assignment of Rights

When you make a claim through the FSCS:

  • You assign your rights against the failed firm to the FSCS.
  • This assignment allows the FSCS to pursue the failed firm for recovery of funds.
  • You retain the right to any compensation exceeding the FSCS limit.
  • The scheme pursues recoveries through legal channels, including insolvency proceedings.
  • Any funds recovered are used to offset the cost of compensation payments.
  • This process helps maintain the financial stability of the FSCS and reduces the burden on the financial services industry.

Impact of Brexit on FSCS Protection

Brexit has influenced the regulatory world surrounding financial services compensation in the UK. While the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) continues to operate, there have been notable changes affecting UK customers and implications for Gibraltar.

Changes for UK Customers

The FSCS remains a crucial safeguard for UK consumers post-Brexit. You’re still protected up to £85,000 per authorised firm for deposits, maintaining the same level of security as before. This limit applies to individual accounts, while joint accounts receive protection up to £170,000.

For investments, the FSCS protection limit aligns with deposit protection at £85,000 per eligible person, per firm. This harmonisation simplifies the compensation structure, making it easier for you to understand your coverage across different financial products.

The claim process hasn’t changed significantly. You can still submit claims online through the FSCS website, ensuring a streamlined experience when seeking compensation for losses from failed financial institutions.

Brexit hasn’t altered the FSCS’s funding model. It continues to operate under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, with levies on authorised financial services firms providing the necessary funds for compensation.

Implications for Gibraltar

Gibraltar’s unique position post-Brexit has led to specific arrangements for financial services. The Gibraltar Authorisation Regime (GAR) allows certain Gibraltar-based firms to operate in the UK market, subject to UK regulatory standards.

For UK customers dealing with Gibraltar-based firms under the GAR, FSCS protection applies as it would for UK-based firms. This ensures you’re not disadvantaged when engaging with these authorised Gibraltar financial service providers.

But, it’s crucial to verify a firm’s authorisation status before engaging in financial transactions. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) maintains a register of authorised firms, including those from Gibraltar operating under the GAR.

Remember, FSCS protection doesn’t extend to firms based in Gibraltar that aren’t part of the GAR. When dealing with such firms, you’ll need to consider alternative protection schemes that may be in place in Gibraltar.

Key Takeaways

  • The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protects UK consumers when authorised financial firms fail, covering deposits, investments, pensions, and insurance.
  • FSCS compensation limits are £85,000 per person per firm for deposits, investments, and pensions, with 90% coverage for insurance claims (no upper limit).
  • The claims process involves an eligibility check, online submission, document provision, and assessment, with timeframes varying from 7 days for deposits to 6 months for complex cases.
  • Brexit hasn’t significantly altered FSCS protection for UK customers, maintaining the £85,000 limit for deposits and investments.
  • The Gibraltar Authorisation Regime (GAR) allows certain Gibraltar-based firms to operate in the UK with FSCS protection, but it’s crucial to verify a firm’s authorisation status.


The FSCS plays a vital role in safeguarding your financial interests. With protection limits of up to £85,000 for deposits and investments, it’s a crucial safety net for UK consumers. Remember, Brexit hasn’t diminished this protection, and the claim process remains straightforward. But, it’s essential to stay informed about specific arrangements like the Gibraltar Authorisation Regime. Always verify a firm’s authorisation status before engaging in financial transactions to ensure you’re covered by the FSCS. By understanding these protections, you’ll be better equipped to make informed financial decisions and secure your financial future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?

The FSCS is a UK-based protection scheme for customers of authorised financial services firms. It provides compensation when firms fail, with varying limits depending on the product type. The scheme covers deposits, investments, insurance, and other financial products, ensuring consumer protection in the financial sector.

How much protection does the FSCS offer for bank deposits?

The FSCS protects up to £85,000 per eligible person, per authorised institution for deposits. For joint accounts, the protection limit is doubled to £170,000. This means if a bank fails, customers can reclaim their savings up to these limits through the FSCS.

What is the FSCS protection limit for investments?

The FSCS protection limit for investments is £85,000 per eligible person, per firm. This aligns with the deposit protection limit, providing enhanced security for consumers. If an authorised investment firm fails, customers can claim compensation up to this amount.

Has Brexit affected FSCS protection?

Brexit has impacted some FSCS regulations, but UK customers continue to receive the same level of protection post-Brexit. The claim process remains unchanged, allowing for online submissions through the FSCS website. However, specific arrangements have been made for Gibraltar-based firms under the Gibraltar Authorisation Regime (GAR).

How can I make a claim with the FSCS?

The FSCS claim process is straightforward and can be completed online through their website. Customers can submit claims for various financial products, including deposits, investments, and insurance. The process remains unchanged post-Brexit, ensuring easy access to compensation when eligible.

Does FSCS protection extend to Gibraltar-based firms?

FSCS protection extends to Gibraltar-based firms operating under the Gibraltar Authorisation Regime (GAR). This arrangement ensures that UK customers engaging with these firms receive the same level of protection as they would with UK-based firms. However, protection does not apply to Gibraltar firms outside the GAR.

How can I verify if a firm is covered by FSCS protection?

To verify a firm’s FSCS protection status, check if it’s authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You can use the FCA register to search for the firm using its reference number. It’s crucial to confirm a firm’s authorisation before engaging in financial transactions to ensure FSCS coverage.

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